Cara Menghidupkan printer, Menyalakan, Merawat, Service, Kendala, Modifikasi, Tinta Epson Anti buntu, Canon, Lexmark, Brother, HP inkjet, Chip, CISS, Selang Infus, Tabung, Anti korupsi, Toko online Komputer, Laptop, Notebook, Netbook, PC, Windows 7, seven, Linuk, Linux, Ubuntu, MAC OS, Boss Google

Program Riset atau meriset Printer Inkjet - Jikalau dulu mungkin dengan hanya menggunakan printer epson empat warna itu sudah lebih dari cukup memuaskan bagi setiap consumer, namun beda ceritanya dengan sekarang yang awalnya empat warna hingga menjadi delapan warna atau yang disebut juga dengan Ink System 8-colour Ink TypeUltra Chrome Hi-Gloss2.

Printer type ini sangat luar bisa sekali hasil print outnya pada media glossy, Art paper dan media lainnya. Namun seperti yang telah kita ketahui bahwa ada kuwalitas pasti juga ada harga, maksudnya apa? tambah bagus pasti harganya kian bertambah mahal. Kemarin saya sempat tanya sama supplier saya yang di jakarta kalau harga printer ini dijual sekitar empat jutaan lebih. Jadi masih sangat sulit dijangkau oleh kita hususnya golongan menengah kebawah.

Over View

Why the Epson Stylus® Photo R1900?

Revolutionary A3+ Photo Printer For Professional Quality Prints

Rich, Uncompromised Image Detail

• New ink set features a more brilliant magenta and greener yellow for more accurate blue
   and green tones
• Blue ink is replaced with an all-new Orange ink, resulting in superb overall image quality
   with dazzling reds and rich, natural skin tones
• Tonal shading of skin tones is improved with reduced graininess and ultrasmooth

Ultrasmooth, Durable Prints

• A new clear gloss optimiser and new high-density transparent resin coating for coloured
   ink pigment particles results in durable, ultrasmooth finishes
• Prints are resistant to fading and discolouration for up to 80 years* when used with
   genuine Epson media
   *Up to 80 years based on tests developed and conducted by Epson

 New Look Up Table (LUT) Technology

• Developed jointly with Rochester Institute of Technology's Munsell Colour Science
   Laboratory, the new LUT technology calculates and optimises colour combinations
   for delivering the best tones and colours in each print
• Smooth gradation, reduced graininess and low colour inconstancy results in beautiful,
   high-definition photographic images
• Colour gamut is smoothened to ensure natural colour gradations, with rich shadows and
   strong details
• Graniness is reduced, resulting in excellent colour quality in skin tones and highlights
• With low colour inconstancy, prints look the same when viewed under different types of light source

 Enhanced Usability

• Strong media flexibility for both glossy and matte media, in cut-sheet and roll format
• Print directly onto printable CDs / DVDs for a more professional presentation
• PictBridge support for printing directly from digital cameras or photo viewers
• Dual USB2.0 ports, allowing two computers to be connected at any one time

Download : Resetter Epson R1900

Download : Driver Epson R1900

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