Windows XP Shield 2014 adalah Sistem operasi modifikasi dari Windows XP dengan berbagai macam tweak serta update hingga bulan desember 2013. Kelebihan Windows XP Shield 2014 ini dibandingkan dengan Windows XP Biasa adalah lebih cepat karena sudah di tweak, sudah dihapus beberapa bahasa yang tidak digunakan seperti bahasa cina dan korea, sudah dihapus juga beberapa aplikasi yang tidak berguna namun tidak menggangu kinerja sistem sama sekali. PerisaiWindowsXP 2014 Indah copy ServicePack3 berisi update terbaru, Microsoft adalah tema yang paling indah dan menambahkan latar belakang yang indah versi tetap dan bekerja pada semua komputer. Windows Shield XP 2014 salah satu update terbaru dan versi terbaru dari aplikasi yang telah dialokasikan oleh staf dari tim Shield. Ini telah beroperasi sangat bersih dan user interface yang mudah digunakan.

  Features :

  • Has been deleted some but not all languages ​​such as Chinese, Korean
  • Was the removal of the old backgrounds
  • The removal of the voices of the old Windows
  • The removal of Tour
  • The removal of old games and online games
  • The definition of the printer to remove the large size

  • Has been added to the latest updates
  • Has been added to the cylinder tariffs smart Sky Drivers
  • Has been added to the definitions SATA to accept modern equipment and laptops
  • Has been added to Internet Explorer 8 and Windows Media Player 11, the last updates
  • Has been added to a group theme and beautiful suit all tastes
  • 55 has been added to the background of high-quality HD technology
  • Added 6 new games and fun instead of old games
  • Has been added to the voices of Windows ships instead of the traditional sounds of XP
  • Has been added to a range of new tools to control Pannell
  • Has been added to a group of English and Arabic fonts Fine
  • Added a new set of photographs of the user
  • Has been added to group programs are important for each user
  • Has been added to a group of ÇáŃíĚÓĘŃě and important additions that give a copy of the form Jamali

Software In Windows :
  • Internet Download Manager
  • flash player
  • Teracopy
  • RocketDock
  • Notepad
  • Firefox
  • taskmanager
  • 7-Zip
  • Perfect Uninstaller
  • QQPlayer
  • Skype
  • Foxit Reader
  • Google Chrome
  • Viglance
Screenshoot :

Download Link :
  • Download | Windows Shield XP 2014 ( EN - FR - AR ) 


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