When I recently blogged about our upcoming Android Campfire, I hinted at some international events we've been working on. We've now finalized plans on those, and registration is open.

We've got Android Code Days lined up for these locations:

  • On 31 January, we'll split up, and host Android Code Days in London, UK and Tel Aviv, Israel.

  • On 23 February, we'll host one in Boston, Massachusetts. (We'll post the registration page for this event soon.)

In addition, as we've announced via Mobile Monday Germany, we'll be having a similar event in Munich, Germany on 29 January.

What's a Code Day, you ask? Well, it's just our name for a day-long introduction and immersion session for Android. We'll give a technical introduction to the platform as well as a more in-depth look into topics of interest to the attendees. Then we'll have a free-for-all coding session that we like to call the "Laptop Lounge".

In other words, the agenda is largely up to you! Each of these events includes food and refreshments and is free of charge, but space is limited so please be sure to click on the registration links above to reserve your spot.

I said before that I think I have a really cool job; now I get to travel the world to meet developers and talk about cool technologies. I can't believe I get paid for this!

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